Friday, February 21, 2014

Being a Good President

By.CWhite There are many qualities that make a good president. The way the president runs the office and his personal qualities factor in when making a good president. We have had presidents that were liberal that were good and we have had conservative presidents that were good. Their political views are not what made them good. It matters if they care about people or if they want the power of the position. One characteristic that makes for a good president is if they put the needs of the many over the needs of the few. This means looking out for the unemployed and underpaid. Many people struggle to make a living. Presidents need to make sure they have opportunities to be employed and make a living. Many presidents want to lower taxes for the wealthy, which is fine as long as it doesn’t distract from helping the people who really need helping. To be a good president you need to be open and honest with the public to an extent. There are things that the public needs to know and there are things the government has to keep secret to protect the country. If the president plans to increase taxes or make a significant change to a policy or law he should probably let the public know. If the president is planning a military strike that is something he cannot tell the public it would hurt the country. There are many characteristics that make a good president these are just a few that I think help make a good president. There are probably too many characteristics to name it would be impossible to name them all. I think looking out for your citizens and being honest are probably the most important characteristics a president could have.

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