Sunday, February 9, 2014

By Chris W To me personally argument and logic mean using logic to back up your argument you cannot make a good argument without logic to back it up. Logic is using your knowledge to deduct facts into an argument. I have written argument papers in the past and I cannot write a good argument without having proof that what I am arguing is the right thing. I am going to be writing an essay on why global warming is not what the media is portraying it to be and to back up my stance on the issue I am going to find sources that back that up. It is important to me to prove that global warming is not what it is made out to be what the media is portraying it to be, because I feel people need to know the truth about global warming. The media is putting fear into people that is unneeded fear and I hope to find sufficient proof to lay some of the fear to rest. I believe that the as a planet we have natural progressions of warm and cold spells and that we are in an ice age and we will be coming out of it and it is nothing to worry about.

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