Friday, March 28, 2014

Research is Valuable

By. C White I think online research being implemented into first year college courses is very valuable. Online research is a valuable skill to have in life. You need to be able to use the internet for many things once you get out into the world. You need to know how to use the internet to find a job. Just about every company has online applications. You need to know how to find the applications to apply for the jobs in your field of employment. Once you find a job your employer will expect you to know how to use the internet to do research. It could be to learn about a rival company or maybe you need to know about a product they are interested in using. It is important to learn the skills needed to research in your personal life as well. When you buy a car it is important to research many cars before you choose which one to purchase. It is important to use multiple sources when you are going to buy a car. One site may really like a car and another may hate a car. It is also really important to get opinions from people who own the car which are easily found on the internet. Some may be bias, but if you see an overwhelming amount of personal reviews going one far it can be a good indicator of how the car is going to be. The main reason it is good to get opinions from owners is they can say if the car is going to reliable and durable. Research can also be used in other purchases as well. I like to research video games before I buy them. They are hit and miss. It may look like a good game in the commercial and be a complete dud when it hits the market. Advertising can be misleading at times and shouldn’t be trusted when making a purchase. I think personal reviews are the best to reference when purchasing a game. I think some websites are bias towards certain companies and franchises.

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