Sunday, April 27, 2014

Learning experience

By C White Many things came out of my first-year college composition courses. It strengthened my confidence in writing and comprehending literary pieces. I was not very confident when I went back to school, as I had taken a few years off after college to figure out what interested me. I spent about three years off after high school and many of the skills I had learned in high school had been forgotten. I believe first-year college composition courses are vital to everyone coming out of high school. Even if students feel like they have college level writing skills refining them will boost the confidence of the young writers moving on throughout college. High schools do not provide the skills that writers need to have for college level writing. I feel like my writing at the beginning of the semester were subpar and that I have gotten much better as a writer as the semester has come to a close. I feel like I’m much more confident. I do not freak out about having to write papers as much as I did at the beginning of the semester. I learned many things in my first-year college composition course. The most important was learning how to cite sources in my papers. Citing sources is a necessity when writing any college paper. Without those skills it is easy to plagiarize a paper without meaning to. One thing I did not learn that I expected to was how to avoid being biased in my argument papers. I suppose that it comes with experience at writing argument papers. I would not use that to discount the value of first-year college composition courses, as that is something that would be hard to teach students in class. I believe that these courses are necessary for anyone that is coming into college. I had subpar writing skills when I started college and I feel that my writing skills have improved dramatically. I still have a long way to go as a writer, but the skills I learned throughout have really helped me feel like I could become successful in college and in my profession after graduation.

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